Thursday, September 29, 2011

Without Supervision

So today my parents left for L.A., my dad has a work thingy going on down there and they figured "Hey! Why not go to disney land too?" Of course, being the over-studious child that I am, I decided to stay home. I've always wanted to go to disney land during the halloween season but I suppose that will just have to wait for another day. Plus, I have work, I'm even garden sitting this week! Yay! In fact, I was left a note that encouraged me to take all the tomatoes I want! Yum yum yum, I even had one for breakfast while I watered their garden today. I'm also going to Jackie's birthday this weekend. Not quite sure what to get her for a present but I'm sure all kids like money, right? I'll be home alone till Sunday and I'm glad to know that I'll have the run of the kitchen till then. Be prepared for many new recipes!
On another note, I have quite the story of "coincidence" for you all. :) Chemistry professors at Delta are rarely ever good and always leave me lost. My Chemistry 1 A professor, for example, is the laziest teacher I've ever had. She arrives late everyday and does her prep work for our class during our class. What annoys me most though is that she doesn't put a real effort into teaching us when she does get around to trying to teach us. I finally became frustrated enough last week to try going to the tutor center for science and math. I really planned to only go on a Monday, Wednesday, or Friday, because not only are those my shortest school days but I also walk right past it on those days. I have no idea why I decided to go today. I suppose the universe just decided to take over when I put myself on autopilot while walking to my car. By the time I realized what I was doing I had already opened the door and walked right in. Well I couldn't just turn back at that point especially since one of the tutors, who looked extremely familiar, had watched me as I walked through the door.
I went ahead and signed in before quickly departing on a search for a chemistry tutor who could help me. I must of searched the whole room before resorting to the help desk. The woman was kind enough to refer me to "Jason, behind the white board." who was, of course, the one who had watched as I mindlessly walked into the tutoring center.
As I walked around the white board, though, and took a seat at his empty table with him I realized where I recognized him from. A year ago, almost exactly, I was people watching with my friend Allie on the front steps of Delta's library. I just love watching how people react to me staring at them. That day, he just happened to be one of my victims and as I watched him walk past he looked right at me, threw me a I-know-I'm-sexy smile, and one of those weird eyebrow wiggles. Do you know what eyebrow wiggle I'm talking about? The one where they go up and down suggestively. x_x Yeah, those ones. I swear, I was laughing for a week because of that. Apparently it wasn't all that funny when we had to sit across the table from each other while he taught me how to balance a redox equation because there was no I'm-sexy smile, and no predatory look in his eyes that all Stockton guys do. The only thing that came from him was his nerves which I was all too influenced by. I have a hard enough time dealing with strangers and admiting that I need help, I didn't need his nerves clenching my stomach tighter than it already was. :/ I hate catching other people's nervousness. Unexplainable butterflies while you stand in the grocery store line, a racing heart beat when someone tells you about a test they have that week, and to think that for some reason people want to be empathic. x_x
I'm not saying being empathic is a bad thing, or to strive for empathy is a bad thing, I'm just saying people don't realize that sometimes there's a downside. Think of the consequences before you choose to forgo your state of normalcy! I'm 20 and still trying to figure out how to deal with other people's emotions without being socially awkward and calling them out on it. I'm thinking of getting an onyx ring from Dragon Fairy ( and charging it to keep me separate from the emotions of others, who knows, I may get a sense of what it's like to not feel like I'm laying on sharp gravel when someone's angry. :) That'd be awesome!
Anyways, off to chem homework and Luna! Love and light for all! Look forward to a pumpkin pie post!

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