The only allergy I had up until this year was my allergy to citrus pollen, and I considered that pretty fortunate even if I have lived with citrus trees my whole life. This year though, I don't know what happened, I've developed three new allergies and an intolerance to lactose! Talk about sucky, no more ice cream, no more smelling or even touching sunflowers, in fact no more touching any plant that's fuzzy/ prickly like sunflowers, but my latest new allergy has been the worst of them all.
Yesterday I went to the mukolmne (sp) river with a friend after lunch. I noticed a few wasps in the air but figured I'd be okay. Why did I assume that! We started walking towards a trail and my klutzy self decided to accidentally slap a wasp. Eff. F! L! OPQRS! I can't remember actually saying any of those letters but I really can't even be sure of what I actually did say.
In a panic, I slapped it off and continued with a slew of gibberish interspersed with sorries and ows and holly shits. I reassured my friend that I'd be okay over and over, assuming that I really was going to be okay because it's just a sting, right? Wrong! Apparently I'm allergic to wasp stings! A! L! F! M! O! I kept brushing it off, the radiating pain, the swelling, the tears, the giant red patch that formed around the bump, I figured this kind of stuff was normal, luckily it is. The stuff after that ,though, wasn't and I kept brushing it off! Dumb Michelle, that was dumb. The dizziness, the nausea, the tingling that I started to feel in my fingers closest to the sting, the excessive sleepiness, the pulsing lights and colours, the shortness of breath and my inability to see straight were not normal! So dumb! I told myself it was just a reaction to the adrenaline, never mind the fact that I've never had that reaction to adrenaline and that I've always, without fail, been able to control my reactions to adrenaline before they got out of hand.
After calming down a bit, my friend asked if I thought I needed to go to the doctor, but being the oh so smart puppy that I am said no because I never think I need to go to the doctor. D: Can I say it again? So! Dumb! I proceeded hiking, stopping every so often to keep from losing my balance and to convince myself that I would be just fine. In my defense, I've been stung by bees before and haven't had this kind of reaction, and I wasn't in my right mind enough to think of all of my other new allergies!
That night I decided to look up symptoms of a wasp sting and how to make the pain go away which is how I found out that I'm allergic. Lucky me, I'd done all the right things when I had been stung, even if well maybe I kinda sorta could've died. I kept my hand above my heart level, applied ice, and kept myself as calm as possible. Yay! I still have a red patch and it's still painful but it's only been one day, I still have two more to go before I can say it might be an infection. I still plan to go to the doctor but hey, I'm not dying anymore, right? :)
On a side note, fall is officially here! The wind blew it in a week or two ago and a thunder storm just started!
On a off-my-broomstick side note, I'm finding that soup can be surprisingly filling. Yum! On sunday I'm making veggie pot pie, prepare yourselves! Oooo lightning. O_O Thanks for the visual effects weather, but I'm the only one who can see them right now.
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