Sunday, September 25, 2011

I give.

I love Kricket, and the fact that those three words are the first things I say on my new fangled blog should explain why I'm on here in the first place. I never thought having a blog could benefit me or anyone else and, generally, I thought it was a huge waste of my time. However, Kricket, my dear, my darling, my very best friend, started one of her own. Now don't go making assumptions of my character before I explain myself because I've never been the type to jump on the band-wagon and assumptions are just gonna go ahead and make us both confused in the long run. At the end of her very first blog post she "hinted" at the idea that I should make my own, giving those oh so indirect compliments that she's oh so good at. In sum, my very best friend in the whole wide world asked me to make a blog about my kitchen witchin', and, being the very huge push over that I am, gave in whole heartedly. Once I figure out how to work this thing I'll go ahead and post a link about her in another blog post, or maybe I'll do so when I haven't just woken up after a road trip to yosemite where I drove six hours through the dark, who knows.
Anyways! Now on to what you'll find here on my blog. I love to "witch it" in the kitchen, I bake and cook all the time, but mostly I bake. Baking is what I really do best, although I do fumble and mess things up sometimes, so don't think this blog won't have it's hilarious moments where I talk about just how much I screwed something up or the huge mess I made. You're fully welcome to take the recipes that I come up with, you can change them, comment on, suggest a change, ask questions about them, or ignore them. What you choose to do is completely your prerogative. I'm, by no means, telling anyone how to cook 'cause I know there are people out there who are much better than me, or live their life, this is simply how I do things and as long as you can show respect to me and to others I'll make sure you feel welcome here. My blog will also have my thoughts about the weather in my neck of the woods, the changing of the seasons, maybe a few of my poems awesome websites that don't necessarily have anything to do with food, magickal reference guides as well as my input on those guides. Sometimes I might talk about movies, incense, books, coffee shops, or class. Other days you might find me ranting about just how much cook books can lie to a gal (meaning me), as well as other things that could lie to person (meaning any one of you). I guess what I'm saying is I'll try my best to focus on food but no guarantee, this is my blog after all. ;)
Y'know, for a first blog post I think I did pretty well, despite the obvious disorganization which you will probably never find on Kricket's posts. Speaking of, I've finally mustered up the energy to copy her link into my post I hope you all enjoy yourselves on our blogs, if anybody at all ever reads them. :)
P.S. I'm addicted to smiley faces. I can't write a thing without feeling like it must have a smiley face. :P

1 comment:

  1. If I could like this, I would. Wahh!!! >_< I can't wait to hear about life in Michelle land!
