Monday, October 17, 2011

Food Item of the Month! Aloe

I've been thinking of making a monthly food item post lately and I was seriously considering doing the normal seasonal thing and talking about pumpkins or mushrooms or I don't know something! Today my opinion was completely changed and I feel that I have to, yeah have to, pay tribute to aloe. We all know about how aloe helps sunburns, and is a great moisturizer but did you also know that it's fully of minerals and vitamins and you can buy them in yummy drinks at the grocery store?  I would suggest buying one of those and NOT trying to make your own cause I hear it gets pretty bitter. x_x Yuck.
Today I burnt my hand with insanely hot water, you know the kind they use to make tea at coffee shops? The really hot kind? The kind you can't drink for like 45 minutes cause you lose nerve endings if you do? I spilt that on my hand! I thought I'd be good with some icy bottled water on it but goodness gracious, it just wasn't. I was tearing up and decided to skip my sign language class and go home, abandoning the water bottle since it wasn't mine in the first place and the burning had gone away. By the time I reached my car, oh my gosh! It BURNED! I drove home as fast as I could and cut off a piece of aloe from my aloe plant. Man, I threw that slimey thing on there and got more relief than I did from the icy cold drinks of friends. 
Point being if you have a burn or need some yummy tasting vitamin C if you hate orange juice like me, then you need to talk to an aloe plant, or your local grocer, either works haha! :D

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